Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: kitten

  • Its nearly all over

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    Well, one kitten died this morning. I don’t think the other one is going to last much longer. (In fact since I started writing this post the second one has shuffled of its mortal coil also – at about 10:00 last night). I’m not sure if it was just too cold for them (even with… Read more

  • They have survived


    They survived the night!!! Every time I woke up to feed them (actually I didn’t go to bed until 3, and then got up to help my son feed them at 4) I expected to find at least one dead kitten. But their lust for life is stronger (so far) than my inexperienced attempts at… Read more

  • Along came the cat …

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    … and ate the kid. It is a week before Pesach. We still have hardly started our Pesach cleaning. My wife is due to give birth some time in the next couple of weeks – and my 11 year old son came home today with two kittens less than a day old!!! Their mother abandoned… Read more