Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: kosher internet

  • Invention of the Printing Press


    With all the current discussion about the internet and how it should (or should not) be used for enhancing Jewish life, I thought it would be interesting to look at another invention which had perhaps an even bigger influence on Judaism, and how it was received. I refer to the printing press, which allowed exiled… Read more

  • Thoughts on the Anti-Internet Brochure part 2

    Rabbi Yosef Veiner wrote the first article in the brochure. It is entitled “Family Security and Issues of Lifnei Iveir”. Even though it begins as completely out of touch with reality (in my opinion) I thought he actually made a valid point (albeit one that has been known to any internet savvy people for about… Read more

  • Some First Thoughts on the Anti-Internet Brochure

    Failed Messiah has posted a link to the brochure that was given out at Citi-Field during the ‘Asifa’. It is 100 pages, and even with the big letters I doubt I will be able to read it all at once (unlike those who attended the Asifa I don’t have the luxury of 7 hours to… Read more

  • Kosher Internet – cynicism =truth


    Every time I am at my most cynical about the Chareidi community I REALLY hope that I am going over the top and will be shown to be a fool. Because every time that I find myself to be correct I end up becoming more and more cynical! Today is the ‘asifa’ in Citi-Field where… Read more

  • Christians vs. Jews

    Apparently Jesus doesn’t heal cancer. At least that is the ruling of a judge in New Zealand. A church had a billboard outside stating that Jesus heals cancer, and they were asked to remove it because it caused offence. Look at the full article here A church billboard proclaiming that “Jesus Heals Cancer” has breached… Read more

  • Internet Asifa

    Everyone is talking about the Internet Asifa with the backing of the Gedolim. Many different people have pointed out all the many things wrong with the idea from beginning to end. What hasn’t been pointed out (as far as I’ve seen) is that it seems obvious to me that this is not primarily about the… Read more

  • ‘Kosher internet’


    YNet is reporting on a new Haredi initiative to approve internet use. Obviously the approval is very limited, and only for essential business use. And only through an approved internet company with an approved filter. The rest of the world has had filters on their internet for a very long time. A discerning person has… Read more