Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: Midreshet Rachel

  • Heart and Soul

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    I gave a shiur today on what the word ‘heart’ means in the Torah, Rishonim and Acharonim. This is not a medical shiur (obviously) but a discussion of the changing meanings of the metaphor of heart. The ancient Greeks also disagreed as to the meaning of the heart, and even in the earliest uses in… Read more

  • Hilchot Berachot


    For the past three summers I have given shiurim at Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya on the subject of Berachot. During the rest of the year I teach Hilchot Shabbat (which is fairly straight forward) and Hilchot Kashrut (which is much more difficult). But always the most difficult subject is Berachot. There are many reasons why it… Read more

  • Hagadah of Pesach

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    I gave a shiur a couple of days ago at Midreshet Rachel about the Mitzvah of ‘sipur yetziat mitzraim’. This is the mitzah of speaking about the exodus from Egypt on the night(s) of seder. I discussed the differences between this mitzvah and the twice daily mitzvah of remembering the exodus. We go through the… Read more

  • Remember 6 – Mount Sinai

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    This is the final shiur in the series on the Six Remembrances that I gave at Midreshet Rachel (I know that there are only 4 shiurim and there are 6 remembrances, but I only had a four week slot). It deals with the mitzvah to remember the Giving of the Torah and the Sinai experience.The… Read more

  • Golden Calf

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    This is the shiur I gave yesterday at Midreshet Rachel. It is the second of my series on the six things that we must remember daily (although in the siddur it is actually the fourth one, but I explained in the shiur that the second and third fit in very well with the next two… Read more