Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: music

  • Amnon Yitzchak and the music ban

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    I’m not sure if you have been following this story, but for the past many months Amnon Yitzchak, through his ‘Rabbinical advisory board’ has been lambasting just about every Jewish musician and calling all Jewish music not kosher (it is a good thing I try very hard not to listen to Jewish music – saves… Read more

  • Kosher music


    I know that this is not new news, but I actually just saw this hechsher today. It seems that the main source for his opinions is not the Talmud or Shulchan Aruch, but American Preachers. (Though I can’t even find a source for his claim that the saxophone was referred to as the “Devil’s Flute”… Read more

  • Best Article for Ages


    I am putting this on my blog for those who don’t read Yeshiva World, who may have missed this fantastic article. Nothing else needs to be said (which didn’t stop 123 people writing comments on yeshiva world with plenty to say). Read this if it is the only article you read this week! Rabbi Eli… Read more

  • Gedolim and the music ban

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    Yesterday someone got very cross with me and accused me of not listening to the Gedolim. I wanted to use this blog to clarify, to him and to the world, that of course I listen to the Gedolim, and have the utmost respect for them and their Torah knowledge and opinions. I have heard stories… Read more

  • What’s worse than Jewish music?

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    NOTHING! Not even the original dodgy 70s disco eurovision pop song that it was ripped off from! [caution: possible kol isha warning! and definite dodgy 70s disco warning!!] (I know this is old news, but I thought this edit was well done. The only problem is that I have had this tune in my head… Read more

  • Grandma Rose’s Song

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    I was introducing the kids to the beauty of Simon and Garfunkel last night (my wife went out, and when she isn’t at home who knows what may happen!) We listened to a few songs and then I took out the guitar and we tried to sing a few.It seems that whenever I ask another… Read more