Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: noah’s ark

  • 17th Sivan – end of Noah’s flood

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    According to the Talmud in Rosh Hashana (11b) based on the verses in Bereishit (and according to the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer) today is the day that the Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. The flood is one of those issues that bible critics love to use as proof that the Torah cannot be… Read more

  • Real life Noah’s Ark


    Someone has finally done it. Johan Huibers has built a replica of Tevat Noach (Noah’s ark) complete with model animals and everything. OK, it is only half the size of the original, but that is still pretty impressive. I would certainly go to see it if I was anywhere near that part of the world!Visitors… Read more