Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: parsha

  • Acharei Mot

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    I kind of cheated here, because in Israel we read Acharei Mot last week, but outside of Israel it will be read this coming week, so it is still relevant (and I didn’t give a shiur last week because of Yom HaAtzma’ut). In this shiur I try to understand the position of Rabbi Abahu, who… Read more

  • Parshat Tetzaveh – Aharon and Kiruv

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    This shiur is based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. This shiur is dedicated anonymously. Parshat Tetzaveh is basically a listing of the various garments worn by the Cohanim and the Cohen Gadol. Rav Tzadok asks three questions on Parshat Tetzaveh:1. Why is Moshe’s name missing from this parsha?2. Why is the golden altar… Read more

  • Parshat Beshalach – Amalek and Theology

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    This shiur is also based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. May this shiur be a Refuah Shleima for Shiri bat Gila. Rav Tzadok says that remembering what Amalek did to us is really about remembering the sin that we committed which led to Amalek coming. But the Torah does not specify what the… Read more

  • Rosh Chodesh – the Power of Renewal

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    This shiur is also based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. The shiur is sponsored in memory of Irena bat Ilia Brezner. May her soul be bound in the bonds of Eternal Life. This week is a new beginning for my Tuesday night women’s shiur – we have moved to a new home in… Read more

  • Parshat Vayeshev – The Poor Person

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    I’m sorry – I forgot to put this shiur on the web last week. So you will either have to listen to last week’s parsha now (I think it is still kosher if you listen before Tuesday) or you will have to wait until next year to listen to it. This shiur is fairly simple,… Read more

  • Parshat Vayishlach – the Divine Within

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    I gave this shiur last night in Jerusalem. Happy Birthday Michael and thank you for hosting the shiur. This shiur is in part a continuation of last week’s shiur on angels. Only this time we examine ‘Who is G-d’? Who did Yaakov wrestle with? All the Rishonim (without exception as far as I could tell)… Read more

  • Parshat Chayei Sarah – Superstition

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    Here is a shiur I gave this week to a group in Katamon. It is similar, but different, to the shiur I gave last night on WebYeshiva I begin with Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition” and look at Eliezer’s quest to find a wife for Yitzchak. He asks G-d for a sign to help him find a… Read more

  • Vayera – What is Faith?

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    I gave a shiur tonight(I know it is not Tuesday, but we can pretend, though the shiur may have to be renamed the ‘Sunday night shiur’ quite soon – thanks Yonit for hosting). The shiur is on Vayera and the definition of faith. Do we arrive at faith/belief through rational investigation, or by accepting unquestioningly?… Read more

  • Lech Lecha – Discovering G-d

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    I gave a shiur last night (and a big ‘Thank You’ to Katy for arranging and hosting the shiur). The shiur is on Lech Lecha and whether Avraham perceived G-d in the same way that Moshe Rabbeinu did. Was Avraham a believer in the Platonic concept of creation, or in the creation ex nihilo of… Read more

  • Bereishit and Free Choice

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    I gave a shiur last night (and a big ‘Thank You’ to Yonit Schiller for arranging and hosting the shiur). It was kind of last minute, so I didn’t have as much time to prepare as I would have liked – you’ll hear that the shiur is a bit choppy. I spoke about Parshat Bereishit… Read more