Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: parsha

  • Shabbos Torah – Lech Lecha

    Some things to read over Shabbos (my wife is waiting for the computer, so this will have to be quick) We read chapter 3 of Pirkei Avos this week I am working on a translation of Rabbeinu Yona’s commentary of Avos which will hopefully be published soon. In the mean time you can look at… Read more

  • Short vort Parshat Zachor

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    I gave the short vort this week for Shapell’s. It is about Parshat Zachor. The midrash (Pesikta d’Rabbi Yishmael end of Beshalach)says that Amalek’s descendents are not accepted as converts. On the other hand the Gemara in Gittin (57b) says that Haman’s grandsons taught and learnt Torah in B’nei Brak. The short vort tries to… Read more

  • Parshat Vaera

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    Here is my d’var Torah for parshat vaera. I will be the in-Shabbos Rabbi at Darche Noam this week, so if you will be there I had better think of something else to say as well. Here is the link to the pdf version If you like this summary can you click on this link… Read more

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    Please support our sponsors. Thank you. This d’var Torah plus a summary of the parsha can be found on my other blog www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com Please e-mail me any questions you have on this d’var Torah, or on the parsha in general. rabbisedley@gmail.com for a pdf version of this d’var Torah please click here Parsha – Vayechi… Read more