Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: pesach cleaning

  • Cookies and i-pods


    Do you have a bentscher app on your i-pod? Does it contain ‘cookies’? If so, does anyone know how to kasher it for Pesach? The best advice I’ve found so far was that it cannot be kashered and must be ‘blended’. Of course, if you purchase the Sefiros app that will kasher your i-pod and… Read more

  • Burning chametz

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    Tomorrow morning (well, this morning actually – right now it is 3:30 am, but I’m not sure what time it will say when I post the blog or what time zone the blog is in) we will go outside and burn our chametz.I know this is an important mitzvah, and encourage everyone to participate, but… Read more

  • A more meaningful bedikat chametz


    I had been meaning to write a final follow up to the kitten saga, with my ‘Jerry Springer’ thoughts on the matter. Perhaps I’ll get a chance at some point. But right now I’ve discovered how to make bedikat chametz so much more meaningful – you can read what I wrote over here: www.torahlab.org/thestorysofar.phpCheck it… Read more

  • 11 o’clock feeding

    I’ve just finished the 11:00 pm feeding of the kittens (I know I seem to have a one track mind at the moment, but it helps take my mind of the panic of Pesach cleaning and the worry of when my wife will give birth – and how we will organise a Pesach brit if… Read more