Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: prayer

  • Pray for Learning

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    I have just come home from my son’s end of year performance (and what a performance it was – don’t ask. Just let me tell you that I love him a lot). The principle spoke told a story about R’ Shimon Shkop, who said that once, while learning in Volozhin, he was unable to understand… Read more

  • 29th Iyar – Tefillat HaShlah

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    There is a special and beautiful prayer the the Shlah wrote to be recited today (Thursday, 29th Iyar – Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan). It is a prayer for children, who will grow up to be G-d fearing and righteous.I highly recommend that everyone recite this prayer right now. Either English or Hebrew will do. As… Read more