Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: Purim

  • Masechet Purim


    I know that Purim is still a long way away, but I just discovered this fact (in the very interesting book Printing the Talmud: From Bomberg To Schottenstein Nowadays, a spoof of a current event has to be made within a few hours, or at most a few days, otherwise it loses its bite. However,… Read more

  • Achashverosh and Candaules


    I am reading Heroditus‘ history (I’m trying to understand the context of the Purim story, but it will take quite a long time) and have come across several interesting things. I will try to post things as I find them (if for no other reason than to help me remember them). Since we have just… Read more

  • Rav Tzadok on Purim

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    Last week I said I was going to speak this week about the historical context of Purim. I think it is important to understand the context to get the real meaning of Purim. But I failed to keep my promise. It was too difficult for me (and Micha Berger suggested that a shiur should be… Read more

  • I’m giving a shiur on Tuesday


    I know that I haven’t blogged in a really long time. There are many reasons, but not for now. But here is an important announcement. I will be giving a shiur this coming Tuesday evening in Nachlaot on the laws of Purim and the Four Parshiyos. It is for women only (sorry boys), but provided… Read more

  • Short vort Parshat Zachor

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    I gave the short vort this week for Shapell’s. It is about Parshat Zachor. The midrash (Pesikta d’Rabbi Yishmael end of Beshalach)says that Amalek’s descendents are not accepted as converts. On the other hand the Gemara in Gittin (57b) says that Haman’s grandsons taught and learnt Torah in B’nei Brak. The short vort tries to… Read more