Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: Rabbi Akiva

  • New online classes – Rabbi Akiva and his students


    I am giving another series of classes on WebYeshiva.org, beginning tonight. In this class we will learn about the lives, history, philosophy and teachings of Rabbi Akiva and five of his students; Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossei, Rabbi Shimon, and Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua. We will have two classes on Bar Kochba and the… Read more

  • Interesting Fact 07: Rabbi Akiva against Christianity

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    In Shul this morning, someone mentioned this statement of Rav Kook. I don’t have time now to translate it (perhaps in the future), but it is from the fourth of the Shemoneh Kevatzim of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook number 238. In it Rav Kook writes that the “Son of the Israelite woman” mentioned in… Read more

  • Interesting Fact No 5: Rabbi Akiva may have been bald


    For more interesting facts click the link Ben Azzai makes a cryptic statement, recorded in Bechorot 58a: תניא בן עזאי אומר כל חכמי ישראל דומין עלי כקליפת השום חוץ מן הקרח הזה   It was taught: Ben Azzai says, “All the Sages of Israel are like garlic skins to me, except for this bald one… Read more

  • Interesting Fact No. 4: Rabbi Akiva was Widely Travelled

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    It seems from the Gemara in Rosh HaShana that Rabbi Akiva had travelled the world (or at least Africa, Europe and Asia). Rosh Hashana 26a אמר רבי עקיבא כשהלכתי לערביא היו קורין לדכרא יובלא ואמר ר”ע כשהלכתי לגליא היו קורין לנדה גלמודה מאי גלמודה גמולה דא מבעלה ואמר ר”ע כשהלכתי לאפריקי היו קורין למעה קשיטה… Read more

  • Interesting Fact 3: Rabbi Akiva Appears in Almost Every Tractate of Mishna

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    [For interesting facts 1 and 2 about Rabbi Akiva just follow the links] According to Zecharia Frankl, in Darkei HaMishna (p.111, footnote 9) , statements of Rabbi Akiva appear in approximately 260 mishnayot. In fact, there are very few masechtot of mishna which do not contain statements from Rabbi Akiva: לר”ע באו הלכות במשנה כמעט… Read more

  • Interesting Fact 2: Rabbi Akiva’s Father-in-Law

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    As I said yesterday, everyone knows that Rabbi Akiva’s father-in-law was knows as Kalba Savua. However, did you know that according to the Gemara (Shabbat 147a) Rabbi Akiva had a father-in-law with a differnet name as well? יהושע בן כפוסאי היה חתנו של ר’ עקיבא …it was Yehoshua ben Kapusai, father-in-law of Rabbi Akiva… If… Read more

  • Interesting Fact 1: Rabbi Akiva’s Brother-in-Law

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    We have certain mourning practices during Sefirat HaOmer because of the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva who all died at this time. However, immediately afterwards Rabbi Akiva went and taught another five Rabbis in the South, and (almost) the entire Oral Torah as we have it today developed from what he taught those students. Here… Read more

  • Lag Ba-Omer

    None of the reasons for celebrating Lag Ba-Omer really make any sense to me. It is not the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, nor do we normally celebrate yahrzeit’s with bonfires and rejoicing (and it is not mentioned in Chazal, Shulchan Aruch or any of the commentaries). The Talmud (Yevamot 62b) says it is… Read more