Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: seder

  • Amazing Pesach facts

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    I was trying to work out what Pesach would have been like in Egypt in that first year. I haven’t even got to any of the technical details yet, but just working out how many people there would have been in each house astounded me. Remember that the korban Pesach had to be eaten entirely… Read more

  • Hagadah of Pesach

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    I gave a shiur a couple of days ago at Midreshet Rachel about the Mitzvah of ‘sipur yetziat mitzraim’. This is the mitzah of speaking about the exodus from Egypt on the night(s) of seder. I discussed the differences between this mitzvah and the twice daily mitzvah of remembering the exodus. We go through the… Read more