Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: torahlab

  • Torah Temima bargain

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    I’m sure you all know who the Torah Temimah is, and what other wonderful books R’ Baruch HaLevi Epstein wrote. What you may not know is that he wrote a commentary on the 5 Megillas called Gishmei Bracha (or later, Torah Temimah on 5 Megillahs). I am a big fan of the Torah Temimah, and… Read more

  • Shabbos Torah – Lech Lecha

    Some things to read over Shabbos (my wife is waiting for the computer, so this will have to be quick) We read chapter 3 of Pirkei Avos this week I am working on a translation of Rabbeinu Yona’s commentary of Avos which will hopefully be published soon. In the mean time you can look at… Read more

  • 28th Iyar – Shmuel HaNavi

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    Tomorrow is Yom Yerushalayim. No doubt everyone will be blogging about this important and wonderful modern festival.In my day job at Torahlab.org I have just completed (just in the nick of time) a source sheet for students and a teachers’ guide about Yom Yerushalayim. If you are a teacher, Rabbi, student or just plain interested… Read more

  • Yom HaZikaron and Road Safety

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    This is a copy of my blog entry for www.torahlab.org. I felt it was worth sharing here as well. Have a look at their website for a lot of excellent stuff about Judaism and Torah. We are in between Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron (actually today should be Yom HaZikaron according to the calendar, but… Read more

  • Amazing Pesach facts

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    I was trying to work out what Pesach would have been like in Egypt in that first year. I haven’t even got to any of the technical details yet, but just working out how many people there would have been in each house astounded me. Remember that the korban Pesach had to be eaten entirely… Read more