Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

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  • Whose blood is redder?

    Whose blood is redder?

    Here is a rough draft of a script I wrote a couple of years ago about blood. Doesn’t really fit with the rest of the stuff on this blog (but not much does), but I still find blood completely amazing, and wish we had managed to make this into a short video clip, as was… Read more

  • Sources of Tu Bishvat minhagim

    Here are sources for a shiur on the cusoms of Tu Bishvat and their sources: – Why do some people not say tahanun on Tu Bishvat? – Why do some people eat fruits on Tu Bishvat? – Why do some people have a Tu Bishvat seder? – Why do some people plant trees on Tu… Read more

  • Black Cat White Cat

    Black Cat White Cat

    The Pesach Seder ends, as everyone knows, with the song “Chad Gadya” – “One Kid”. The song begins with a pet goat, and ends with the death of the Angel of Death. Along the way almost everything else gets eaten, killed or injured (or drunk). Life is tough in this song. One of the lines… Read more

  • Where’s The Fork?

    Where’s The Fork?

    I came accross an interesting line in the Gemara the other day. Kiddushin 46a cites a baraita which the Amoraim find confusing. Rabbi Yohanan describes the confusion as follows: Said R. Johanan: Behold a table, meat and knife, yet we have no mouth to eat! Soncino explains (based on Rashi) the obvious meaning of the… Read more

  • Interesting Fact No. 6: Rabbi Akiva’s Death

    For more interesting facts click the link Rabbi Akiva’s death was foretold by Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrkanus. In Avot de-Rebbi Natan 25 we find a description of Rabbi Elizer’s last moments. He had been exiled to Caesarea after being excommunicated by Rabbi Yehoshua and the Sanhedrin. Yet he was the most brilliant mind of his generation.… Read more

  • Cohen in a bag

    This picture was doing the rounds. Not only in Jewish media, but all over the world the media was showing how crazy some Orthodox Jews are. After some misinformation when people though this man didn’t want to be in the same plane as a woman, it was clarified that he is a Cohen (priest) and… Read more

  • Sefira Reminder

    Don’t forget to (ve-hameivin yavin) Read more

  • Formula 1 in Jerusalem

    Nir Barkat and the Jerusalem City Council keep coming up with new things. Now they are bringing Formula One to Jerusalem. I have no idea how those cars can make the turn at the Haan Theatre. I guess I’ll have to go there to watch and find out for myself (but I won’t stand too… Read more

  • New Zealand – Godzone Chosen Land

    Jeremy Clarkson (of “Top Gear” fame) has dubbed New Zealand the real “Holy Land” in his column for the Sunday Times If you were God and you were all-powerful, you wouldn’t select Bethlehem as a suitable birthplace for your only child, because it’s a horrible place. And you certainly wouldn’t let him grow up anywhere… Read more

  • Practical Difficulties of Being an Editor

    Sometimes it is hard to separate between life and work. Especially when work consists of sitting in front of a computer all day editing and translating. Then family time starts. And the following is just one example of what can happen. WIFE (to son): Don’t let me EVER catch you lying to me again! ME:… Read more