Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

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  • Baby Yitzchak Sedley

    Here is the video of the brit of baby Yitzchak. Don’t worry – there is no blood on the video – though the camera does turn sideways a couple of times. Read more

  • Installing Hebrew in Linpus on Acer Aspire One

    I recently bought myself an Acer aspireOne netbook computer. It is cheap and lightweight, which were my two main requirements. And, just for something different (and to save a small amount of money) I decided to get the linux linpus version. Linux has both advantages and disadvantages over windows, which I won’t go into right… Read more

  • Research says: Large families aren't so bad

    Cassandra Jardine has written an article for the Daily Telegraph about the advantages of having lots of children. She makes a lot of good points, showing the many advantages of large families, and some of the disadvantages (many of which only apply in Britain – higher taxes, or Australia – carbon tax!) The funny (to… Read more

  • Devarim – tochecha

    I gave a shiur this past Shabbos on the concept of tochecha – rebuke, reproach, admonishment – whatever you want to call it. The source sheets are here: Devarim shiur Isn’t it odd that on Tisha B’Av one of the signs of mourning is that we are not allowed to greet each other. Unfortunately some… Read more

  • Langton's Ant and the confines of Halacha

    I’m not sure what the message from this is, but this is really neat. It is a thing called Langton’s Ant, which is a computer program with only a couple of simple rules. The ‘ant’ (a colored square) is placed on an infinite grid of white or black squares. The ant moves according to the… Read more

  • Where’s the bananas?

    CNN are reporting on the Israeli safari park that has gone kosher for Pesach. It is really just an excuse to show orangutans eating matzah. (If you can’t see the video you can watch it here) Now that you mention it I think I’ve been to a couple of seders like this before. I suppose… Read more

  • 20th Adar Yarzheit of the Bach

    I went to NY for a wedding last weekend. I was in the States for a total of 3 days, but it has taken me more than a week to recover from the jet lag and the cold I picked up on the plane. There are so many things I wanted to blog about, but… Read more

  • Temple rebuilt

    This Shabbat is the 3rd of Adar which is the anniversary of the completion of the construction of the Second Temple. The book of Ezra tells us that on this date they finished rebuilding the Temple which had been destroyed more than 70 years earlier. Even though this Second Beis Hamikdash did not compare at… Read more

  • What shidduch crisis

    The Orthodox world is having a shiddush crisis at the moment. There are far more women looking to get married than men, and the men are not interested (for the most part) in women who are too bright. So any woman with a career and an education finds it doubly difficult. In addition, the expectation… Read more

  • The Day the Music Died

    I know I usually focus more on Yarzheits of Rabbis and Jewish people, but I couldn’t overlook the fact that today is the anniversary of the deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. Who knows how the face of popular music would have been changed had they not died so early in… Read more