Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

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  • Never too late to say sorry – to the Beatles

    I still haven’t finished writing all the thank you cards for wedding presents (we just celebrated our 15th anniversary). I feel that by now it is too late – especially as some of those who sent gifts are no longer in the land of the living. (If I’m being honest, I think I probably still… Read more

  • 10th Shevat – Yarzheit of the Rashash

    Today is the Yarzheit of the Rashash, R’ Sar Shalom Sharabi. According to many he is to the writings of the Arizal what Rashi is to the Gemara. In other words, it is impossible to fully understand the kabbalah of the Ari without the Rashash. There are many stories of his brilliance and his novel… Read more

  • Megillas Antiochus (Megillat Antiochus if you prefer) is the Scroll of Antiochus, an ancient text which records the battles of the Chashmonaim (Hasmoneans) against the Yavanim (Greeks). Rav Sadiah Gaon claims to have traced Megillas Antiochus back to the time of Hillel and Shammai (which is about 100 years after the Chasmonaim and Antiochus), although… Read more

  • Religious (in)tolerance

    I’m not personally a big fan of Jesus posters – if you have ever walked through the Arab Shuk in the Old City you will know that those ones with the eyes that follow you as you walk are creepy (not religious intolerance on my part – just anti-creepiness). On the other hand, I would… Read more

  • Happy post Yom Kippur post

    I hope everyone had a great Yom Kippur. I had meant to post before the big day asking forgiveness for all those I have offended or upset through this blog (and there are many of them – mostly unintentional on my part, and I hope they have forgiven me already before now, but if not…).… Read more

  • Shimon Hatzadik

    “Shimon Hatzadik was one of the remnants of the Men of the Great Assembly…” (Pirkei Avos 1:2) But WHY was he called a ‘tzadik’???? http://www.torahlab.org/tssf/why_was_shimon_a_tzadik/ Read more

  • Fantastic Friends

    The Talmud in Bava Metzia (24a) says that one of the three things a person is permitted to lie about (tell fibs) is how well he was treated and looked after when he stayed in someone’s home. Rashi explains that if he were to be honest about how well he was looked after, the hosts… Read more

  • YID With LID: PRAYER REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YID With LID: PRAYER REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been reading yid with a lid’s blog for a while, and he usually has something important and interesting to say.Today he has something of vital importance on his blog. His wife is about to have a heart valve replacement. If anyone is reading my blog who hasn’t seen… Read more

  • Gemilut Chasadim and Loving your Neighour as Yourself

    IsraelForum.com ran a link to an article by spiked-online.com discussing the giving of aid, and how giving the wrong thing often makes a person feel good, even though it is not the right thing for the recipient at all. You can read the article here:JBlog Central – The Jewish Blog Network | Killing them with… Read more

  • Every day

    So tonight is Yom Ha’Atzma’ut. Apart from the usual annoyances of getting hit with squeaky plastic hammers and dealing with the smell and smoke from barbeques it is a time to reflect and think, take stock of Israel, me, and the connection between the two.Of course in certain circles the big question is: whether to… Read more