Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

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  • Parsha – Vayetze

    Support Torah in Israel – please click on the adverts! to download a pdf printable version of this d’var Torah click here Exile and Presence According to the tradition there is a gap of 14 years between the end of last week’s Torah reading, when Ya’akov leaves his parents’ home, and the beginning of this… Read more

  • Parsha – Chaye Sarah

    For the pdf link click here Emunah and Bitachon From the very beginning humans were expected to expend effort to attain their goals. When G-d created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, He commanded them to “work it and to guard it” (Genesis 2; 15). Even though everything was provided… Read more

  • Parsha – Vayera

    Click here to download this file as pdf When G-d tells Avraham that He is about to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah, Avraham pleads and bargains with G-d to save those cities and their inhabitants. During the negotiations, Avraham shows his humility by describing himself as “mere earth and ashes” (Genesis 18; 27). Rabbi Yonasan Eibschitz… Read more

  • Parsha – Lech Lecha

    Here is the beginning of the parsha shiur for Lech Lecha. You can click on the link for a pdf version, or look at www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com for all the parsha shiurim. Click here to download in pdf format “G-d said to Avram, ‘Go for yourself from your land, from your relatives, and from your father’s house… Read more

  • New Hilchot Shabbat and New Questions

    I have just put up the next 4 shiurim from Hilchot Shabbat. They include an introduction to the melachot (forbidden Shabbat activities), some of the laws of saving lives on Shabbat, and a very interesting section on the importance of knowing the difference between Torah law, Rabbinic law and customs etc. Have a look at… Read more

  • Parsha – Noach

    Click here for the full d’var Torah on Noach “Noach, the man of the earth…” (Genesis 9; 20). Ramban explains that the description “man of …” denotes a complete dedication to that thing, and a separation from anything else. As soon as he left the Ark Noach immediately set about sowing and planting the desolate… Read more

  • Parsha – Bereishit

    I’m going to try and put up a d’var Torah each week (bit bli neder). Mainly they will be taken from things I wrote many years ago when I was in Edinurgh.Here is the beginning of the first one: (click here to download the pdf file) (Blogger keeps cutting the end of this d’var Torah… Read more

  • mashiach

    Something non-Halachic for a change.These are the sources for the shiur about Mashiach that I gave at Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya today. sources: http://www.gigafiles.co.uk/files/799/Mashiach.pdf audio shiur in mp3 format – shiur was about 1.5 hours. Takes less than 8 minutes to download. Mashiach Part 1 mp3 And the second shiur given today: Mashiach Part 2 mp3 Read more

  • Havdala part 2

    And here is the continuation. Now you can send your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.send them to: rabbisedley@hotmail.com http://www.gigafiles.co.uk/files/799/havdala2.pdf Read more

  • Havdala part 1

    This is the first part of Havdalah material (I am open to suggestions about organising it better – have a look at the second part before sending suggestions) http://www.gigafiles.co.uk/files/799/havdala1.pdf Read more