Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: winograd

  • The Emporor has no Clothes

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    Sorry to continue with Winograd, but this is priceless. Amir Peretz, the defence minister, who was harshly criticised by Winograd, thinks they were complimenting him. He sent out an e-mail showing how good he is. * “It must be granted in the defense minister’s favor that if he had had enough time, he would have… Read more

  • Aides say ‘give him a chance to learn’

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    Just to add to my previous post – the spin doctors have managed to turn the entire thing on its head. According to YNet: Meanwhile Olmert aides said the Winograd Commission hinted that the prime minister should be given a chance to learn from his mistake.“A culture that doesn’t allow those who err to keep… Read more

  • Learning to Learn

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    I don’t normally like discussing, or blogging, about politics, but the release of the Winograd report and the prime minister’s immediate response are too good to pass up. Without wishing to discuss the findings and their implications I wanted to look at the learning process, and how that affects us.The report was clear. It states:… Read more