Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: yarzheit

  • Yarzheit – Noson Adler

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    Today is the Yarzheit of R’ Noson Adler, Rav of Frankfurt and teacher of the Chasam Sofer. Until I researched this post, that was all I knew about him (and the fact that he didn’t have any children, yet the Chasam Sofer didn’t name any of his sons after his Rebbe because he held that… Read more

  • Yarzheit – Ben Ish Chai

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    Today, Monday 13th Elul is the Yarzheit of R’ Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, one of the most prolific and influential recent Rabbis of the Sefardi world. He wrote books on almost every topic, from Talmud to Kabbalah to Halacha to Chumash. Wikipedia writes about him: The Ben Ish Chai (בן איש חי) is a standard… Read more

  • Yarzheit R’ Tzadok HaCohen


    I don’t know if it is the heat, or what, but I was too exhausted yesterday to post this. But I can’t let R’ Tzadok’s yarzheit go unmentioned. Yesterday, 9th Elul was his yarzheit. He was one of the few original Jewish philosophers of the 19th century. His thought is a crossover of Lithuanian and… Read more

  • Yarzheit – Reuven Margolios


    Today (7th Elul) is the Yarzheit of one of the most brilliant and prolific (and interesting) scholars of the 20th century. R’ Reuven Margolios wrote on such a wide variety of topics, often those that were not normally dealt with by the yeshivish community. However, his Maroglios Hayam is one of the standard Yeshiva books… Read more

  • 21st Av – R’ Chaim Brisker

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    Today is the Yarzheit of R’ Chaim (Brisker) Soloveitchik. Perhaps more than anyone else in the past 200 years he has shaped yeshivas and the style of learning that goes on within them. R’ Chaim’s most famous work ‘Rabbeinu Chaim Halevy al HaRambam’ has the status (almost) of one of the Rishonim and is learned… Read more

  • Yarzheits – Hebron and Tzfat massacres


    Today is the anniversary of one of the bloodiest organised pogroms to happen in Israel in recent times. In 1929 Arab riots led to massacres in both Hebron and Tzfat. In Hebron, this resulted in the removal of all Jews from the city, ending hundreds of years of Jewish life in that city. All together… Read more

  • 13th Av – R’ Noson Nota Shapira

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    Yesterday (Shabbat) was the yarzheit of the ‘Megaleh Amukos’ – R’ Noson Nota Shapira (all of those words have alternate spellings – figure it out for yourself). He was one of the more famous kabalists, who wrote on many different areas of Torah. He is probably best known for his commentary on Chumash. This is… Read more

  • R’ Chaim Ozer – 5th Av

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    Today is the yarzheit of one of the greatest European Rabbis of the last century – Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski. R’ Chaim Ozer was known not only for his leadership skills, and his brilliance in Torah, but most famously for having a compartmentalised brain. He was able to do several things at the same time… Read more

  • Menahem Azariah me-Pano – 4th Av

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    Today is the yarzheit of R’ Menachem Azariah me-Pano (the Rema me-Pano) who was a great 16th century kabbalist and halachicist (or in other words, a Rabbi who knew all areas of Torah). Apart from his brilliance, and authority in halacha for later generations, one of the interesting things about the Rema me-Pano is that… Read more

  • Yarzhreit – R’ Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi)

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    Today (28th Tamuz) is the yarzheit of probably the most famous and most influential of all Ashkenazi Rabbis – Rashi. Arguably he is still the most influential Jewish author since the time of the Talmud. It is virtually impossible to move in the world of Chumash (and Nach) or Talmud without Rashi’s commentary. He wrote… Read more