Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: yarzheit

  • Yarzhreit – R’ Shlomo Ganzfried

    Yesterday (Shabbat, 27th Tamuz) was the Yarzheit of the author of the kitzur shulchan Aruch – Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried. He was born in Uzhhorod (Ungvar) in the Carpathian region of the Habsburg Empire (now Ukraine). His father Joseph died when he was eight. Rabbi Ganzfried was considered to be a child prodigy and Ungvar’s chief… Read more

  • R’ Moshe Cordovero Yarzheit

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    Today is the anniversary of the death of one of the greatest kabbalists before the Arizal. R’ Moshe Cordovero (RaMaK) wrote extensively on the Zohar attempting to resolve apparent contradictions in this text. After the Arizal brought his new methodology and kabbalistic insights, the RaMaK’s writings became less popular (apparently the Arizal said of his… Read more

  • 15th Tamuz – Shaagas Aryeh

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    Yesterday (15th Tamuz) was also the yarzheit of the Shaagas Aryeh, one of the most fiery and brilliant Rabbis of his time. He was also fiery in his temperament. Unfortunately I couldn’t find very much about him using google, and don’t have time just now to do the proper research. I seem to remember a… Read more

  • 12th Tamuz – Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman

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    Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman was recognised by everyone as one of the most brilliant Talmudic scholars of his time. Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman (1875-1941) was a prominent Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva in pre-World War II Europe. He was one of the Chofetz Chaim’s closest disciples and a Torah scholar of note. His seforim on Talmud are learn… Read more

  • 25th Sivan – yarzheit of Rabban Shimon…

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    Three of the ‘Ten Martyrs’ were killed on this date: Rabbi Chanina S’gan HaCohanim, Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and Rabbi Yishmael ben Elisha. (this is brought down in the Tur and Shulchan Aruch OC 580). Their deaths are remembered in the kinah of Tisha B’Av ‘Eileh Ezkera’. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel was the grandson of… Read more

  • 18th Sivan – Yarzheit of R’ Yerucham Levovitz

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    Today is the Yarzheit of the ‘mashgiach’ of Mir. R’ Yerucham is possibly the most famous mashgiach.I remember that R’ Wolbe once said that for the first few months that he was at Mir he thought the Yeshiva had a different mashgiach specially for Shabbos. It was only after some time that he realised that… Read more

  • 16th Sivan – Yarzheit of R’ Gedaliah Nadel

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    This Shabbat was the 3rd Yarzheit of one of the most exciting and radical Rabbis that you have never heard of. Rabbi Gedaliah Nadel was probably the closest student of the Chazon Ish, and was asked by the Chazon Ish to become the Rav of the neighbourhood. You have never heard of him because the… Read more

  • 26th Iyar – the Ramchal

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    The Ramchal – Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato passed away on this day 240 years ago (and was born 300 years ago). Today his writings are amongst the most influential for mussar (Mesilat Yesharim), hashkafa (Derech Hashem and Da’at Tevunot) and kabbalah (Kelach Pitchei Chachma and Adir Bamarom). Though he died before the age of 40… Read more

  • 22nd Iyar – Rav Shlomo Eliezer Alfandri

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    Today is the yarzheit of the saba kadisha. I admit that i had never heard of him before today, when i started researching his yarzheit. What an amazing person. I have just copied an article that originally appeared in Yated (and I’m hoping that since they have banned the internet they won’t notice the plagiarism).… Read more

  • 20th Iyar – Doros HaRishonim

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    Today is the yarzheit of Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Rabinowitz, most famous as the author of Doros Harishonim. He was also the founder of Agudas Yisroel.Doros Harishonim is a history of the Jewish people which was written as a response to the historians (e.g. Graetz) who claimed that the Torah was not from Sinai, the Mishna… Read more