Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Eeyores’ birthday

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It was my birthday today. Both my Hebrew one and my English one, and since you know that the two only line up every 19 years, you know how old I am (clue – I am not 57 or 76, nor 19 – figure it out yourself).
And it was a wonderful birthday. Quite like Eeyore’s birthday actually:

“Many happy returns of the day,” said Piglet again.

“Meaning me?”

“Of course, Eeyore.”

“My birthday?”


“Me having a real birthday?”

“Yes, Eeyore, and I’ve brought you a present.”

But unlike Eeyore I got some excellent presents (from my wonderful mother-in-law) – 4 pairs of Winnie the Pooh socks, which as you know was something I really wanted.
Thank you Savta!

(The actual socks were much nicer than the ones in this picture, but it was the only picture I could find)

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