Rabbi David Sedley

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Freedom of expression

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This is really interesting. I’m not used to such openness and honesty. The latest blog to join JBlog! central is Window Into Palestine.

JBlog! define themselves as:

JBlog Central provides an easy way to find Jewish blogs of interest.

It’s amazing how the phenomenon of blogging has exploded into popular culture. And, as the popularity of blogs grew by leaps and bounds, so did the sheer volume of blogs. Each day, thousands more are added, to the point that it has become virtually impossible to get a handle on which blogs do a good job of covering any single topic.

That’s where we enter the picture.

Five years ago, we launched the IsraelForum.com — a site dedicated to providing information and discussion about Israel, Judaism, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and much more. Even though many similar sites exist, IsraelForum.com quickly became known as a place for high-quality discussion and debate. It has flourished ever since, because it was able to cut through the noise and make its voice heard.

These days, readers of blogs face two challenges: First, how to keep up with the rapidly expanding number of blogs and, second, how to know which of the hundreds (if not thousands) of blogs are worth a read.

In response to the first challenge, certain sites began to offer aggregation services, whereby they provide a single destination with content from many sources. But there is still another challenge to overcome. Finding a good-quality blog is like finding a needle in a haystack.

This site is our attempt to make sense of the Blogosphere. Not only do we aggregate blog entries from a wide variety of bloggers, but we also enable the audience to vote on their favorite posts. By analyzing the votes of confidence of our readers, it becomes apparent which blogs shine.

When they claim that they have a ‘wide variety of bloggers’ they really mean it!

Good for them. They still have a long way to go before they counter all the anti-Palestinian blogs, but this is a start. Doesn’t mean I agree with this blogger, but isn’t it great to have free speech/ blogging rights!

Well done JBlog!

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