Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

JBlogger Convention

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As you have probably noticed by now I haven’t blogged in a long time. I always wondered how people could have a blog for many months or years and then just give up. I won’t mention names, but we all know several bloggers who have disappeared from our rss feeds. Blogging used to give me such a buzz (though I’m not sure why) that I couldn’t understand just giving it up.

Now it seems that I have done just that. At least temporarily. I still have many things that I want to write – not a week goes by that I don’t say to myself ‘I should blog about that’, but somehow it never gets written. I don’t have the time, but I never did, so that can’t be the reason. I’m doing more writing in other places, so perhaps I don’t feel the same need for self expression – I’m really not sure.

Anyway, I’m going to try and start again now to write a bit. The motivation is the First International Jewish Bloggers Convention – which should be exciting. Here – have a look at the badge: (I can’t get it to display in the body of the blog, but you can see it on the sidebar if you scroll down slightly)

It is hosted by Nefesh B’Nefesh, and Powered by WebAds, so I can feel like a Zionist at the same time. (I never got one of their free flights – I made Aliya long before they were around, so I may as well enjoy their convention instead).

The theme of the convention is “Taking JBlogging to the Next Level”. And it is just round the corner from where I live (and begins at 5 in the afternoon, which is basically after work – just have to remember to daven mincha early) so it should be a lot of fun.

There will be great speakers (well, I know them as great writers, I hope they can speak) and tips on how to improve the blogs – and of course, most important, free food!

So I hope to see you all there. And hopefully that will inspire me to continue with the blogging.

Until next time …

(BTW – For those of you who don’t live around the corner and can’t attend in person you can sign up to watch it live via the internet – pretty neat huh!)

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