Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Life made simple – simple information for windows

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This programme just made my life a whole lot easier. I bought myself a new computer on my way to England, and now I have the fun job of transferring all the old files and programmes from this to that. Of course I am not clever enough to keep the keys and codes that I need in a safe place. Instead of having to run around the house finding evrything I need, this simple programme showed me everything I will ever need to know about every programme and every password on my computer.


I’m sure you would never use this programme for nefarious acts such as illegal copies of software and things. Or stealing passwords. Please don’t.
But if you have forgotten the password for an internet site, or need to reinstall a programme onto your computer, this little thing gives you all the answers.

I know this is well off topic from my normal blogging (don’t worry – more to come soon – it seems that people like my ideas of quantum halacha, so hopefully I’ll put up some more on that soon. And I also have some thoughts on music, and particularly Simon and Garfunkel), but I had to quickly share this with you, in case any of you are having a computer crisis at the moment.
Back to work (on the computer)

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