Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Making money with blogs

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I have to be honest – one of the reasons that I started writing a blog was to try and make some money. I had read all these stories of bloggers earning 6 figure incomes, and I figured – why not me?

It is true that I enjoy blogging, and it is nice to think that there are also some people who read what I have to say. The feedback through comments and e-mails is great. I also hope that somehow through this blog and my other blogs (www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com and www.rabbisedley.com there is more Torah in the world (of cyberspace).

But it is nice to make money from it.

You will have noticed a button at the end of my posts with ‘get paid to review this blog’ – well you can. The nice people at Pay Per Post want to give you money to write stuff in your blog. Like this entry, for example. They will also pay you to review my blog on your blog.

It is really simple. You just click here ads on blogs and hopefully you will start earning money.

Since this is my first post for them, I will have to report back later on how good they are at customer service. But it is worth a try – right?

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