Rabbi David Sedley

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Minister of Defense

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Or perhaps more precisely – Minister of Defending his own political future.

Ehud Barak stopped the military from carrying out a security operation against terrorists because it won’t look good when Israel goes to Annapolis for peace talks.

Clearly the terrorists building the bombs and planning the attacks on civilians are in favour of peace. Were Israel to try and defend herself by removing the threats that would be counter to the ‘peace’ plan.

I think the Minister of Defense should rename himself ‘Minister of Sitting on the Fence – and looking out for his political future, even at the expense of the defense of the State of Israel’

A military operation planned in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus was called off by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Ynet has learned.

The operation is believed to have been cancelled in light of the Palestinian Authority’s security forces taking control of the West Bank city, the upcoming US-sponsored peace conference and Israel’s desire to prevent disagreements which may lead to grave results on the backdrop of Barak’s frequent meetings with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visits to the region.

The planned operation was to include a large amount of forces, including reserve forces, and was aimed at locating terror activists and weapons.

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