Rabbi David Sedley

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Real life Noah’s Ark

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Someone has finally done it. Johan Huibers has built a replica of Tevat Noach (Noah’s ark) complete with model animals and everything. OK, it is only half the size of the original, but that is still pretty impressive. I would certainly go to see it if I was anywhere near that part of the world!
Visitors have said: “It’s past comprehension,” Mary Louise Starosciak told the Associated Press. “I knew the story of Noah, but I had no idea the boat would have been so big.”
I’m not sure how to do this in a classroom, but it shows the importance of trying to get students, adults and anyone to visualise things when you teach about them. Surely the story of Noach (and its inherent scientific problems) become more real when you see the thing – or at least hear about it as a real boat.
It is almost Shavuot. We are supposed to relive the Sinai experience every day. What was it like? Where did people stand? How high was the mountain? What did the people hear? When you stay up all night learning, think about Noach’s ark in Holland and imagine what Kabbalat HaTorah was like.

This is the BBC report:

Dutchman’s Noah’s ark opens doors
The ark at Schagen
The ark is nearly three storeys high
A half-sized replica of the biblical Noah’s Ark has been built by a Dutch man, complete with model animals.

Dutch creationist Johan Huibers built the ark as testament to his literal belief in the Bible.

The ark, in the town of Schagen, is 150 cubits long – half the length of Noah’s – and three storeys high. A cubit was about 45cm (18in) long.

The ark opened its doors on Saturday, after almost two years’ construction, most of it by Mr Huiber himself.

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