Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Remember 6 – Leaving Egypt

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This week I gave the first of a series of four shiruim at Midreshet Rachel on the Six things we must always remember. The first remembrance is to remember that G-d brought us out of Egypt. Here is a recording of the shiur which also connects to parshat shavua (and to the next couple of week’s parshiot as well).
Click here to hear the shiur in streaming audio.
Alternatively, to download the shiur to your c omputer click here.
I am also just writing up a shiur that I will give on Shabbat at Shapell’s. It is entitled ‘Hail, Chesed and the Foundation of Scientific Enquiry ‘ and I will try to send it out with my weekly e-mailing. To sign up for the weekly parsha shiur e-mailing please go to www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com and fill out the form with your e-mail address. I try to send out one e-mail each week with some news and musings and a d’var Torah. If you don’t like it you can also unsubscribe very easily, and I won’t give out your e-mail address to anyone else.
Have a great Shabbat
Rabbi Sedley

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