This week I gave the first of a series of four shiruim at Midreshet Rachel on the Six things we must always remember. The first remembrance is to remember that G-d brought us out of Egypt. Here is a recording of the shiur which also connects to parshat shavua (and to the next couple of week’s parshiot as well).
Click here to hear the shiur in streaming audio.
Alternatively, to download the shiur to your c omputer click here.
I am also just writing up a shiur that I will give on Shabbat at Shapell’s. It is entitled ‘Hail, Chesed and the Foundation of Scientific Enquiry
Have a great Shabbat
Rabbi Sedley
Remember 6 – Leaving Egypt
al capone bemidbar biodiversity Bnei Beteira death ecology emily dickinson emor Evolution fats waller Hillel Limmud mashiach messiah parsha Pirkei Avot rosh hashana sacrifices science unetane tokef yom kippur