Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Shabbos Torah – Lech Lecha

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Some things to read over Shabbos (my wife is waiting for the computer, so this will have to be quick)

We read chapter 3 of Pirkei Avos this week I am working on a translation of Rabbeinu Yona’s commentary of Avos which will hopefully be published soon. In the mean time you can look at my first rough draft of it over here:

Rabbeinu Yona

Please send me your thoughts and comments. There is still a lot of work to be done on it, but I would very much appreciate your feedback. Also don’t forget to check out the latest on the parsha from torahlab.org.

I have written a few things on the parsha, Shelach Lecha, which may be of interest (click on the links for each one).

A summary of the portion

My thoughts on the parsha (written many years ago while I was in Edinburgh)

And my translation of selections from Tosefes Bracha’s commentary on the parsha (by R’ Baruch Halevi Epstein – the Torah Temima)

Shabbat Shalom (I know I can’t make up my mind how to pronounce Hebrew words – that’s always been one of my many problems)

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