Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Short vort Parshat Zachor

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I gave the short vort this week for Shapell’s. It is about Parshat Zachor. The midrash (Pesikta d’Rabbi Yishmael end of Beshalach)says that Amalek’s descendents are not accepted as converts. On the other hand the Gemara in Gittin (57b) says that Haman’s grandsons taught and learnt Torah in B’nei Brak. The short vort tries to resolve this contradiction. You can access it here:

Or through the Shapell’s web page: http://www.darchenoam.org/articles/audio/au_home.htm

Shabbat Shalom and Wishing you all a very happy Purim

Rabbi Sedley

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