Rabbi David Sedley

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Twentieth Day of the Omer – Some Ringtones

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Today is the 20th day of the Omer, making 2 weeks and 6 days of the Omer. Here are some songs which you could use as ringtones to help you (and those around you) to remember.

1. 20 by Travis (Scotsman gets the right day of the Omer)

3. 20 Flight Rock by Eddie Cochran (classic rock n’ roll from the 50s)

4. 20 Small Cigars by Frank Zappa (Chunga’s Revenge – nothing better than slow jazz from Frank)

5. 20 Eyes by Misfits (Brilliant Punk and equally Brilliant Lyrics)

6. Twenty Years by Placebo (20 days, not 20 years!)

7. 20th Century Boy by T. Rex (20 days, not centuries! But I challenge you to sit still while this classic is rocking)

8. 20th Century Fox by The Doors (20 days, not centuries. And why the fox?)

9. 20 Killer Hurts by Gene Loves Jezebel (Are we talking about electricity here?)

10. 20 Seconds to Comply by Silver Bullet (not seconds! 20 days!)

Today is also Yom HaZikaron. In memory of all those who have fallen defending the State of Israel. May their memory be blessed.

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