Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

26th Iyar – the Ramchal

The Ramchal – Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato passed away on this day 240 years ago (He was born 300 years ago). Today his writings are amongst the most influential for mussar (Mesilat Yesharim), hashkafa (Derech Hashem and Da’at Tevunot) and kabbalah (Kelach Pitchei Chachma and Adir Bamarom). Though he died before the age of 40 he left behind a huge number of works, which also include poetry and drama. He was the Jewish equivalent of a Rennaisance man. Despite his brilliance (or because of it) he spent most of his life being attacked as a suspected Sabbatean. He also felt that the Mashiach was coming at any moment, and depending on which letter you read either thought he was the Mashiach, or one of his students was.
His clear thinking and analysis, his ability to present complex issues in a straight forward and simple manner, and his breadth of knoweldge, make the Ramchal one of the most important Jewish thinkers of the past few hundred years.
He is buried in Tiveria, next to Rabbi Akiva (giving rise to the idea that he was a reincarnation of Rabbi Akiva, sent to ‘fix’ the first 40 years of R’ Akiva’s life before he went to learn Torah).

Here are the source sheets I used when I gave a class on Ramchal for WebYeshiva

May his Soul be Bound in the Bonds of Eternal Life